Over the past few weeks:
-I have successfully gotten through my 1st grad school test and presentation (in the same night...welcome to grad school). Prayers needed for the 2nd test that will be on Tuesday. You know its gonna be hard when the study guide is.....read the entire book. Hm....that sounds like death (book is 300+ pages)
-I have snagged an awesome nanny job for the summer. The kids are great, the parents are great and the activities are already in the works. PS the little girl has an easy bake oven...SCORE!
-Kyle has started a new job (2nd job actually). He is the interim youth minister at a church nearby. (Sorry cant give more details...call for more details). We are both so excited for the opportunity and cant wait to see what God is up to. I always said Kyle needed to be a youth minister.
-Mom and I have been working on a project. Ill post pics and tell more when we are finished :)
-I have been contemplating running a 1/2 marathon next year. So prayers for me to be able to continue running and not die from my lungs exploding. EKKK!
-I have been cooking...but kinda the same old things. Tonight I made sugar free brownies. They were delicious and I was quite impressed. (PS they are in a box...so check them out) I have been trying to cook sugar free bc I swear everyone in my family is pre-diabetic. But then again who isn't a little pre-diabetic these days.
-I have become obsessed with Steve Madden shoes. Esp their sandals! Thank goodness they are affordable.
-I have the wedding bug. But then again who doesn't have it in the spring time. Please pray for me for patience bc I know Kyle knows what he is doing as far as time lines on getting married.
I think thats all for now. I promise when life slows down that I will post more recipes.
PS Mom and i are going to the beach next weekend and I am super thrilled. Too bad my reading will consist of a book about concentration camps and a crazy theorists. What can I say....I love extra credit books! :)